We decided to take advantage of the day and take the dogs out hiking this afternoon.  Unfortunately, everyone and their brother decided the same thing (sans dogs).  A secluded hiking area we normally frequent was packed!  We decided instead to pull off the side of the road and play fetch in a field.  It was very leisurely and we had a nice time stretching out onto the grass with nothing but sunshine and warm air around us. 

Later, some Frisbee enthusiasts joined us in the field, and although the dogs were especially interested in chasing their Frisbee, we managed to keep them by us.  They did a very good job at minding.

Tonight we are  headed to a middle eastern dance celebration that my friend is involved in.  Should be quite the show.  As a student even, I paid $8 for pre-tickets so I'm expecting a lot!  I love dance.

Off to Florida next week, so don't expect too much in the way of posting...
Trooper (left) 9 months / Cosette (right) 2.5 years



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Let me preempt any concern or discussion about this video I've posted.  Trooper does this naturally.  No matter what he is chasing or what he is after, this kid jumps like there is no tomorrow.  I simply made a compilation of his jumps.  He will do this even if I throw the ball long distances, as he will bounce all the way there, mis-judge the distance, flip over himself, flop on the ground, and then bounce all the way back.  I recognize that it is probably dangerous to his spine or hips to be doing this, but, like I said, he does this anyway regardless of whether or not I'm filming.  I think there may be a chance he's made of rubber.  Enjoy.
The other day I was short on time - or maybe motivation, I don't remember - and I decided to walk both the dogs at one time.  What I do remember thinking, as I fastened their pinch collars, gathered their leashes, and stuffed baggies into my pockets, is this may not go well.

I mean, they are two Labs.  They have been in the house all day.  They have not run off their energy in any way, shape, or form.  In fact, as we walk out the door, I stop thinking this may not go well and it turns into a well, this was probably a really bad idea

Once we got over the initial confusion of who is supposed to be where, the dogs double-walked beautifully, side-by-side in a perfect heel.  They didn't climb on each other, play bite or snarl, or spin wildly in circles (these things happen).  They walked happily next to one another, Trooper bouncing along his merrily way, Cosette walking more steadily. 

I was so impressed by them that I almost walked further with them, but then I was halted by the lack of motivation (or was it time?) and just took them on our regular shorter route; however, it has given me confidence to try it again sometime soon, without the dreadful preamble, like a pesky gnat buzzing in my ear.  This time it will be, this will go well.
You must know by now that when I disappear off the face of the earth for five days, I am collecting and preparing content.  And if that's what you've guessed, then right you'd be.

While you're waiting, though, Cosette wanted to say hi: 
The antelope turned on the lion.
THIS is how nature shows should turn out!

(Trooper has a stick in his mouth but is holding it like a cigar, ha!)
Wait!  The antelope has dun turned on the lion!!  What will happen next?  Both could win this fight, and these are the kinds of questions that keep me up at night.
Will the lioness make the kill?  Will it be an attack on the back, or to the jugular?  Tune in tomorrow for the answer...
We picked the dogs up from the kennel, or their spa as we like to call it, and boy, were we glad to see them.  Look at this beautiful girl:
And is this a happy puppy below, or WHAT?