The antelope turned on the lion.
THIS is how nature shows should turn out!

(Trooper has a stick in his mouth but is holding it like a cigar, ha!)
Wait!  The antelope has dun turned on the lion!!  What will happen next?  Both could win this fight, and these are the kinds of questions that keep me up at night.
Will the lioness make the kill?  Will it be an attack on the back, or to the jugular?  Tune in tomorrow for the answer...
Trooper is so skinny, he looks like if he went to school, he'd be one of the kids that gets beat up on.  Except, he'd just run circles around the bullies.  The running in circles part is what keeps him that skinny.

I feed him 6 cups a day of high-protein puppy food.  I'm about to knock it up to 7 just to have him gain a little weight. 
We picked the dogs up from the kennel, or their spa as we like to call it, and boy, were we glad to see them.  Look at this beautiful girl:
And is this a happy puppy below, or WHAT?
We are off to Canada for a few days.  Posting will resume on Tuesday.

For now, here are some videos of the dogs playing before I took them to the kennel this morning.  They were wound up and Trooper was NUTS this morning.  Watch carefully in video #2 - you can watch Trooper try and stalk Cosette like a cat.

Update:  Sorry about the videos right now.  Vimeo is apparently taking a crap right now.  I think if you click on the pictures, it will take you directly to the videos.
Trooper is approximately 50 pounds now.  At 6 months, he's as tall as Cosette was at 9 months (I measured him the other day).  He is one gangly little puppy and doesn't know quite what to do with his tall Thoroughbred-like legs yet.  Run, mostly.  And, I'm not sure he knows what to do with his ears, either -- they are long and so very floppy!  He's one cuddly little puppy.
And Cosette is thinking, "Can you believe this guy?"

These two are such goofballs.  When we aren't seriously retrieving, I let Trooper goof around a lot.  Cosette, meanwhile, takes her job completely seriously 100% of the time.  Which is why she takes a perfect opportunity to steal the toy back away from Trooper when he is at his weakest point...
(if you are offended by dog poop, don't watch the video)


Here is a video of our evening backyard playtime.  I don't have the dogs seriously retrieve generally when we are in the backyard, which is why you can see Trooper's lackadaisical attitude towards the toy.  Cosette is serious about it no matter the time of day or type of toy.  I swear I can hear them arguing:
Trooper:  "I got it, I got it hahahha HA HA!"
Cosette:  "Give that back!  Give it here.  Okay, now you are distracted so I will SNEAK IN and GET IT!  Ha!  Here, owner!!"
Trooper:  "Oh, there it goes again.  Yay, I got it. Ha."
Cosette:  "GRR!  Give it back.  She has to throw it again.  GIVE IT BACK!  Don't you understand how this WORKS?"

And the big brown patch I'm standing on during the video is due to a very large branch (VERY LARGE) falling down during the recent storm.  The grass is only beginning to grow back.